That’s a Wrap.

So tomorrow I set off for San Francisco. Many things to do to make sure that things do not fall apart while I am away. The most important thing is to wrap up the boat as snugly as possible so that the rain does not get in. If it does, it fills up the cockpit, the engine compartment, the bilge, the cabin and eventually the boat sinks. This should be avoided.


I have a very good cover but typhoons are tough opposition. If the cover blows off then all the above mentioned awfulness ensues. I have had the cover strengthened to avoid rips and also have replaced the elastic rope with hooks that attached the cover to the boat. Now there is much stronger cord.

I hope it works!

I go to my last physiotherapy session at the wonderful Ginowan Sports Lab,

They are great people and we have had a lot of fun, not to mention serious, proffesional treatment of my leg.

This is Hiro sensei the big boss.
He does things to my leg. Thanks to everyone at the Sports Lab.

Anyway, I am waiting for my treatment when a beautiful young woman comes in, walks straight up to me and gives me hug. I like this sort of thing.

It is the delightfulAtsuko san! We worked together at OIST.
Look who is here!

Jonathan and Renee return to OIST. Great to see them! We reminisce on the first years of the university. We did a good job, especially Jonathan..

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