Not Over Yet

I am back in Okinawa but I am assured that due to a new state of emergency I should spend 2 weeks in isolation. This means don’t leave the apartment unless absolutely necessary.

Necessary is a car and after a long walk I find a rental place and leave with a Tanto. 650ccs of meanness.


She has many cute features. She unlocks herself automatically if you approach with the key in your pocket. If the key is in the car then you only have to turn an ignition switch to start her. One of the back door slides open although I do not know for what purpose. I do not think she consumes any gas. All cars should be like this.

I check the boat and she is fine.

Such a good cover

She is a bit grubby but that is OK as I can spend a few days on cleaning.

I start the engine.

I had the throttle lever fully open which explains her
reluctance to start
Hey Okinawa, 25 degrees in January. On the boat

I have a lot of tuning up jobs to do.

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5 Responses to Not Over Yet

  1. Mike Taylor says:

    Better Grateful than Dead.

  2. Mike Taylor says:

    Quarantine (when you might have been exposed to the virus) I hope, not isolation, that’s when you’ve tested positive. Either way, stay safe Neil.

  3. calderi says:

    Did lots of black smoke come out? See “crazy cold Diesel engine start” on utube

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