Ready, Steady.

My time is spent preparing for the great change of life, from country boy to hard assed city lizard.

There is so much to do. Gas, electricity, water, air conditioning, in and out, sign new lease, un-sign old lease, move out of Onna son, move into Ginowan officially, change address on resident’s card and driving license, and so much more. In Japan, each step involves lots of paperwork but this is no burden as, as usual, everyone is super helpful and grin, giggle throughout each step. I think I am doing OK and feel quite pleased with myself.

Luckily, the weather has been windy, 15 -20 knots, which is enough for cowards like me to decide it is probably best not to venture out single handed. It is also very hot 32 degrees most days, which makes even routine maintenance on the boat hellish. Good conditions for bureaucracy.

One step is to set up a new internet connection to the Ginowan apartment. I go to Docomo, well known Japanese internet, phone, folks.

With great efficiency, fun and courtesy, they set me up with an 1Gbps signal.

Do you, dear readers, appreciate this incredible speed? In the center of San Francisco, I can only get 70 Mbps, which they hawk as high speed broadband.

The Docomo guy, whose name is KJ san, negligently drops the bomb that in a couple of months this signal will go to 10 Gbps. Insane!

Gambatte Nihon!

During all this, I have great lunches with great people.

Okinawa Chicken Vindaloo
Crab sandwich
Garlic prawns
Cold Udon and Tempura

Things are good.

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3 Responses to Ready, Steady.

  1. Rachel says:

    I am so happy for you! How WONDERFUL! ~Rachel

    On Tue, Jul 7, 2020 at 1:06 AM The Quiet Ripple Defines The Pond wrote:

    > spikekalashnikov posted: ” My time is spent preparing for the great change > of life, from country boy to hard assed city lizard. > There is so much to do. Gas, > electricity, water, air conditioning, in and out, sign new lease, un-sign > old” >

  2. Rachel Claus says:

    oh to live in Okinawa! I am so happy for you!!

    • Thanks Rachel! This moving process has again underlined the wonderful approach to life in Okinawa. Everybody has gone out of their way to help me. Maybe it is respect for the aged!

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